Hi Hi gals
I think I just should stop to apologize because I didn’t write a long time again u.u
A lot of great stuff happened but its too long away to post about it so I post just 2 new stuff I’m really happy about <3
First: I FLY IN 96 DAYS TO TOKYOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO *_* for 11 days <3 I fly at 25 december 2012 and go to Shibuya Fukubukuro 2013 *____* last Sunday I booked with a friend. He’s halve Japanese so it’s a biiiiig plus because of the Japanese language. I was a bit lazy the last time to learn Japanese u.u
Then I also booked to go to Dusseldorf International GYARU Lovers Winter Meet in January 2013.
I really cant wait <3
2nd: I told
you last time I went to a photo shooting with my friends and finally some of
the pictures are here ^^ PictureCopyright: Eda Gregr
Now I see the pictures I have to say I don’t like my makeup which I made XD especially the bottom lashes u.u
Well I try to post again soon XD
Sayonaraaaaa until the next time ^^V
omg hab ich das richtig verstanden du fliegst quasi von tokyo nach düsseldorf? XD
AntwortenLöschennönönö ich fliege am 5.januar zurück nach zürich und am 25 januar flieg ich von zürich nach düsseldorf ^^
Löschenasooo weil da steht 25. january aba dann meinste sicher dezember ;D
Löschenhabs korrigiert xD danke für den hinweis♡
Löschenhabs korrigiert xD danke für den hinweis♡